1 - Website concept: The site would display a daily countdown until book's launch day, giving visitors tasters of the content that would unlock on specific days. This would invite customers to return to the site, having added it to their calendars. The tasters could be images, bodies of text or even whole pages from the book, as well as audio clips. Considering the material has never been released before, each taster would have a lot of value to fans.
The Blue Note logo would act as a view finder where you could get glimpses of assets taken directly from the book. The interactive element would be that you can click on an asset and zoom in, however, the assets remain partially obscured, only showing what can be seen through the logo. Across the days leading up to the launch, assets "unlocked" would be in full and not obscured by the viewfinder.
2 - Looping advert for Instagram: This 3D animation primarily achieves the goal of Thames & Hudson's want to communicate that the book is paper-back by showing turning, bending pages. The advert also acts as a satisfying teaser of the variety and quantity of content found within the book's pages through the 2D intro. The animation transitions from 2D to 3D catching the viewer's attention, then the book's pages turn before finally returning back to the first frame where it can loop indefinitely.